Anitra Ford movie list

Sultry, slinky and slender brunette knockout Anitra Ford was born as Anitra Joy Weinstein in 1942 in California. Anitra began her career in the 60s as a model. She made her film debut in an uncredited small role as a model in "The Love Machine." Ford gave a funny and spirited performance as cheery and sassy free-spirited nymphomaniac actress Terry Rich in Jack Hill's delightful babes-behind-bars romp "The Big Bird Cage." Anitra was likewise excellent and impressive as the alluring Dr. Susan Harris in the fantastic drive-in exploitation classic "Invasion of the Bee Girls." Ford was also memorable as the ill-fated Laura in the offbeat and atmospheric zombie horror shocker "Messiah of Evil." She made a brief, but effective appearance as Burt Reynolds' bitchy rich girlfriend Melissa Gaines in Robert Aldrich's terrific "The Longest Yard." Anitra achieved her greatest enduring popularity as one of host Bob Barker's beauties on the game show "The Price Is Right." Among the TV shows Ford had guest spots on are "Starsky and Hutch," "The Streets of San Francisco," "Baretta," "Mannix," and "The Odd Couple." Anitra called it a day as an actress in the mid 70s and went on to work in real estate. Moreover, Anitra Ford is a published poet, accomplished photographer and successful artist whose work has been displayed in various galleries in Santa Barbara, California.