Frank Feys movie list

Frank Feys is a Belgian international actor. He was trained at the Beverly Hills Playhouse, the school founded by the late Milton Katsalis, considered one of the best acting teachers in Los Angeles. Frank has worked in over 40 TV series and feature films both in the US and in Europe. His portrayal of a British serial killer in 'El caso Wanninkhof' and a Russian assassin in 'Inocentes' caught the attention of the media and the public in Spain. Since then he has worked in all the major series in Spain. Frank' worked in 'A Perfect day' starring Benicio del Toro, Olga Kurylenko and Tim Robbins directed by Fernando Leon de Aranoa. And in "Wild Oats" alongside Shirley MacLaine, Jessica Lang, Demi Moore, and Billy Connolly. Frank Feys speaks 5 languages fluently. (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch/Flemish.) In 2004 he founded the Actors Workshop Spain, an international acting school. British Hannah New (Black Sails) studied there for almost 2 years. In 2016 Frank completed the actor/teacher program at the Ivana Chubbuck Studio in Los Angeles becoming the first certified teacher of her technique in Spain.