Jessie T. Usher movie list

Born a leap year child he excelled academically from elementary through high school as a top honor student. He graduated class salutatorian before moving straight to the Dean's List in college, studying culinary arts and earning the honor of being a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society. Jessie was inspired to act at an early age. When his family moved to Los Angeles in 2003, he landed guest-star roles in numerous television shows including Without a Trace, Numbers, the Mentalist, Criminal Minds, Lincoln Heights, Hannah Montana and Summer Camp. Jessie's first big break came in 2011 playing the role of Lyle Hugginson in Cartoon Network's television movie Level Up. The project became a well-loved TV series and Jessie reprised his role throughout the show's two seasons. Like his on-screen counterpart in the hit Starz TV series Survivors Remorse, Jessie's life changed last year when he was thrust into the spotlight playing Cam Calloway, a basketball phenomenon who signs a multi-million dollar NBA contract. Thanks to performances in both Survivors Remorse and the feature film When the Game Stands Tall, Jessie landed a lead role in 20th Century Fox's long awaited sequel to Independence Day.