Chi Mhende movie list

Zimbabwean born actress and voice artist, Chiedza "Chi" Mhende moved to Cape Town in 2006 to study at AFDA - the South African School of Motion Picture Medium and live Performance. She was introduced to Cape Town's theatre scene as Lady Capulet in a 2010 Artscape production of "Romeo and Juliet". Other theatre credits include K. Sello Duiker's "The Quiet Violence of Dreams", JM Coetzee's "Waiting for the Barbarians", Titania in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (performed at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival in July 2012), "Taming of the Shrew", "The Comedy of Errors", and "Richard III". Her theatre training extends to Drama Therapy having worked with organisations such as the Bonfire Improv Theatre Company and the Zakheni Arts Therapy Foundation. She is the voice of "Siyaya" and Al Jazeera's global health series "Lifelines". Film and Television credits include "Evil in Our Midst", "The Tunnel", "Stokvel 6", "Mad Dogs 3", and "Love the One You Love" which made its debut at the 2014 Durban International Film Festival.