Jeremy Northam movie list

Jeremy Philip Northam was born in Cambridge, England to parents John and Rachel, both university professors. John Northam is best known for his translations of Henrik Ibsen. The family moved to Bristol, in 1972, where Jeremy attended Bristol Grammar School. Jeremy graduated from Bedford College, University of London, in 1984 with a bachelor of arts degree in English Literature. After graduation, he attended the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and worked his way through regional theater to the London stage. Northam was the recipient of the prestigious Laurence Olivier Award - the British equivalent of the Tony - for outstanding newcomer, for his 1990 performance as "Edward Voysey", the moral pivot of the Royal National Theatre revival of the 1905 play, "The Voysey Inheritance". In 1994, he made his American film debut in the thriller, The Net (1995), with Sandra Bullock, followed by his beloved portrayal of "Mr. Knightley" in Miramax's Emma (1996), starring opposite Gwyneth Paltrow. Northam has continued to thrill his audiences with his many acclaimed performances, which include big budget productions, smart, independent projects and even television and audio books.