Daniele Gaither movie list

Widely recognized for her work on the Emmy-winning, late night sketch comedy series MADtv MADtv (1995) Daniele grew up doing theater in Minneapolis. She earned her SAG card shooting a commercial at Paisley Park. Years later she would be called on stage to dance with Prince during two concert tours, bringing the Minneapolis connection full circle. While an undergraduate at Northwestern University she landed a spot in The Mee-Ow Show, the premiere sketch comedy and improv group on campus. She moved to Los Angeles where she studied at Howard Fine Studios and EDGE Performing Arts Center. She went on to star in three series regular roles on broadcast network television series - two in prime time - while a member of the Groundlings Sunday Company and the Groundlings Main Company. She continued her run as a character actor with a recurring role as Super President Kickbutt on Kids' Choice Award winner "The Thundermans"The Thundermans (2013) on Nickelodeon, making memorable guest appearances on shows such as "Key & Peele" Key and Peele (2012) and "2 Broke Girl$." 2 Broke Girls (2011) Daniele broke into the world of animation singing a track and voicing characters on "BoJack Horseman," BoJack Horseman (2014) "American Dad" American Dad! (2005) and "Mike Tyson Mysteries." Mike Tyson Mysteries (2014) Active on the small theater and cabaret scene in Los Angeles, she has performed at the Hollywood Fringe Festival and the Cavern Club Celebrity Theater. As an improviser in the cast of the The Black Version Show, (featured in Rolling Stone's 2013 Hot List issue) she has performed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Toronto and at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.